Project Begins – And We’re Off!

As us MK2MK interns reflect on finishing a month of training and preparation for Project 1, we are all absolutely thrilled to finally have the students join us here in Port Shepstone, South Africa! We spent three weeks at both the Cru and Wycliffe headquarters in Orlando, which was followed by a week here before the students arrived. This time consisted of getting to know our partnering organization, Latitude, finishing up our intern training, being commissioned, and finally preparing the beautiful Skogheim for our students. We were nervous as we awaited the inevitable adjustment of our schedule and relationships, and also an eagerness and enthusiasm to meet the students that we have eagerly anticipated for so long. 

The first couple days with them here have been a wonderful mix of both busy and fulfilling. As most of the kids are coming from around the world in countries with a significant amount of time difference and jetlag, we have tried our best to keep them active and engaged. Our days have consisted of get-to-know you games, a prayer walk around the local community, familiarizing ourselves with our small groups, and sitting in on our first session where we introduced our project’s theme! 

The theme of this Summer Mission is Deep. Our prayer during this summer this that everyone involved in the work that we are doing here at MK2MK would experience the deepness of God’s supernatural love, the grace that comes from a deep community, and the fulfillment we get from finding our identity in him. We pray that this trip would be a time to grow a deeper connection with the Lord through connection with each other. We know that there will be challenges for each of us this summer, but our hope for everyone here reflects Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:17-19,

“…so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

As us interns transition from a month of reflecting on this theme to finally being able to implement it in our interaction with the students, some of the hopes that were communicated by the interns include: Developing a close community that would create the safety to dive deeper into each of our stories. Supporting each other as we grow closer to God and disciple the students in doing the same, and to see them be impacted and transformed as they experience the deep love of Jesus through us.We may still be in the awkward process of trying to remember everyone’s names and countries, but we are so excited to enter into a whole month of getting to know all of our students here, hearing their stories, making silly memories, and doing ministry together. 

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